Saturday, August 7, 2010

These noisy,active birds have a brush tipped tongue
which enables them to extract nectar from blossoms,
but they will also eat fruit and insects.

BROWN-HEADED HONEYEATER ( Melithreptus brevirostris )
The smallest honeyeater in this area,it usually travels in groups of
10 or more,constantly calling to stay in touch when feeding.Size;12Cms

NEW HOLLAND HONEYEATER ( Phylidonyris novaehollandiae )
A common garden bird,it is always noisy and aggressive to other honeyeaters
and will utter a harsh warning sound when danger approaches.Size;18Cms

PURPLE-GAPED HONEYEATER ( Lichenostomus cratitius )
Can be identified by the pinkish purple strip between the grey and
yellow on the cheek although this is not always visible.Size;18Cm

SINGING HONEYEATER ( Lichenostomus virescens )
A cheeky bird with a melodious call,having a thick,straight beak and
striated breast to distinguish it from the Puple-gaped.Size; 20Cm

SPINY-CHEEKED HONEYEATER ( Acanthagenys rufogularis )
Resembles a wattlebird but smaller,having a red beak with a black tip
and no red wattles,also aloud pleasant call.Size;25Cm

RED WATTLEBIRD ( Anthochaera carunculata )
The largest honeyeater here,an aggressive and territorial bird,
it will attack any intruders,especially other honeyeaters.Size; 33Cm